Your key
to mainframe performance tuning and precise capacity planning
products are designed for overall performance tuning and capacity
planning. The product components consist of PILOT/CICS, PILOT/MVS
and PILOT/SMF. PILOT/SMF is available as a stand-alone product.
See below for more information on each specific PILOT product.
PILOT/SMF provides special modules to clean up, archive and format
SMF records for better data management. It provides integrity by
recovering from system 002 abends, and prints these bad records
to an exception file. PILOT/SMF will delete duplicate records with
a single keyword, ensuring that the data is always from the same
PILOT/CICS is a reporting, tracking, forecasting and modeling tool
for CICS environments. PILOT/CICS formats mainframe data for transfer
to the PC where it uses Lotus 1-2-3, or Excel to provide valuable
information and "what-if" analysis. PILOT/CICS:
- Tunes CICS by Identifying True Peak Periods
- Tracks
the Response Time and Paging Rate
- Builds
Simulations of Current and Future Systems
- Cost-justifies
Future Equipment Purchases
addition, produces reports that allow you to quickly diagnose and
resolve problems, and reduces the drain on mainframe resources required
to process and analyze performance and capacity management data.
PILOT/MVS provides z/OS and OS/390 environments not currently running WLM in Goal Mode with analysis, tracking
and forecasting capability. PILOT/MVS does support WLM in Compatibility Mode. It formats mainframe data for transfer and analysis
on the PC, while enabling the user to model "what-if"
scenarios. PILOT/MVS allows DP shops to:
- Identify
System Bottlenecks
- Reduce
Drain on Mainframe Resources Required to Process and Analyze Performance
and Capacity Management Data
- Cost-Justify Future Equipment Purchases
One of the Following MVS Versions With Either JES2 or JES3:
here for the latest PILOT release information
SmartProduction | RefWiz | ROPES | PILOT | SPI-TAB+ | LibertySoft
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