1. Is RefWiz
CPU sensitive?
Yes. Your Authorization String contains the information indicating your license mode (Trial
or Licensed), the authorized CPU and model, and the expiration date
of your authorization.
to FAQ
What do I need to do to run RefWiz on more than one processor?
You need to license the new processor and get a
new Authorization String from us. Then, you add a new AUTHRWx= line
to your License card parameter member for the new code string using the RefWiz ISPF facility (Admin|Environment|License). You can
have as many AUTHRW= lines as you need to authorize all licensed
to FAQ
What do I do if I change processors?
You need to let us know of the change. If the size
of your system is changing, there may be an upgrade fee. When it
is resolved, you will get a new Authorization String from us. Then,
you replace the AUTHRWx= line in your License card member (Admin|Environment|License) with
the new Authorization String.
to FAQ
How do I upgrade RefWiz from an earlier level?
You will receive a copy of the upgrade instructions
document with your new software. If you have not, please contact
technical support for a copy of the upgrade instructions.
to FAQ
How do I process the ".XMI" files from the web site?
Examine the README file and find the JCL to do a
TSO RECEIVE. The .XMI files are created using the TSO TRANSMIT command
and are a form of IEBCOPY unloaded data. The RECEIVE command, which
can be run as part of a batch job, performs the reload.
to FAQ
Is RefWiz compatible with...
RefWiz is compatible with all MVS and OS/390
releases from MVS 5.2.2 up to and including z/OS 1.9.
to FAQ
Why did I get an error running the RECEIVE as shown in the READ.ME?
On some systems, the specified parameters for the
data set cause this problem. Rerun the command, but delete the data
set allocation parameters other than disposition and volume. The
RECEIVE should work by taking the data set attributes from the input
.XMI files.
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